Magical Moments since 1990
For over twenty five years, I’ve been entertaining people. First as a magician, then into TV, consulting on various shows (before appearing in a few of my own too). Today, I work as an event host for some of the biggest brands in the world - it’s been quite a journey! And you can read more about it, right here.
My first professional headshot from when I was just 16! My mum said I looked very handsome.
For as long as I can remember, I’ve loved performing.
You know the type - the kid whose hand shoots up first when the teacher starts casting the annual nativity (to this day, I’m still the most gifted donkey Mrs. Turnbull ever saw), the class clown who’s only happy when he has an audience? Yep - that was me. So when I unwrapped the ‘My First Magic Set’ under the tree all those years ago, I knew my path was set.
“…a muggle no more”
My interest in magic soon became an obsession, and before long, I was visiting Davenport’s Magic Shop whenever I could persuade my dad to take me into London - I never wanted to stop leaving people awestruck at what I could do.
Before long, I was winning talent contests all over Kent, and my dad graduated from chauffeuring me to magic shops to chauffeuring me to the gigs I’d booked at birthday parties around my neighbourhood (nobody ever seemed to mind I wasn’t much older than the kids I was performing for at the time either).
Fast forward a few years and I finally pass my exam for membership to the world famous Magic Circle - at last, I was a muggle no more.
By 18, I was a full Equity performer and ready to kickstart my foray into the glittering world of show-biz, but when my application to Opportunity Knocks bombed, I began performing at holiday camps, parties, pubs, restaurants - anywhere I could. I travelled across Europe performing my shows - I was on top of the world at the time.
Little did I know how much higher I could go.
I’ve performed all over the world, for everyone from school-kids to kings.
In 2003, I became the resident magician on Nickleodeon TV, where people must have seen how much I loved to present, because I was soon asked to appear in more shows, everywhere from the USA to the Middle East. I starred in a series on Channel 4 called Freaky, presented a kids art show for Discovery Kids and toured my show everywhere from Germany to India, with audiences of up to 10,000 a time.
Today, I have a lot of stories to tell.
I’ve been mobbed by audiences in India, invited to perform at events so exclusive I can’t ever reveal the details, performed for a certain director of the dark side (said too much, have I), got invited back to Paul McCartney’s house after a gig, and am one of only two magicians in the world to have performed for 40 kings and queens as guests of Queen Elizabeth II.
On top of all this, I’m now a member of the elusive Inner Magic Circle, meaning I’m one of only 250 magicians in the world at the highest level of the esteemed society.
I guess you could say that I have a lot of stories to tell, that’s for sure.